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Stay Healthy, Stay Functional..!! World Arthritis Day 12 Oct

Early Identification is the key to Functionality in Arthritis ( image- 

बढ़ती उम्र के साथ जोड़ों में होने वाला दर्द एवं तकलीफ एक आम समस्या है जिसे लगभग सभी को दो चार होना पड़ता है, परंतु सेडेंटरी लाइफ- स्टाइल की वजह से आर्थ्राइटिस ( गठिया) आजकल युवाओं में भी हो रहा है. जनसामान्य में आर्थ्राइटिस के प्रति जागरूकता लाने के उद्देश्य से "World Arthritis Day" का आयोजन १२ अक्टूबर को किया जाता है.  This year's theme is "Don't Delay, Connect Today" which highlight the importance of early diagnosis of RMDs  i.e. rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases.. 

Symptoms of Arthritis include:  आर्थ्राइटिस के कुछ प्रमुख लक्षण इस प्रकार हैं 

- pain around joints  जोड़ों में दर्द 

- inflammation 

- limited motion/function of joints  जोड़ों का मूवमेंट काम हो जाना 

- joint stiffness जोड़ों में जकडन 

symptoms of arthritis ( image source- google images)

- swelling/redness n warmth around joints जोड़ों के आस-पास त्वचा पर लालिमा होना 

- tenderness

- fever बुखार 

- weight loss 

- fatigue थकान

-poor sleep

Arthritis is a joint disorder featuring inflammation of 1 or more joints. Arthritis is classified as one of the rheumatic diseases. These are conditions that are different individual illnesses, with differing features, treatments,complications, and prognoses.

आर्थ्राइटिस के अनेक वर्ग हैं जैसे osteoarthritis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), gout, pseudo-gout, and lupus. हमारे भारत की कुल आबादी के १५% लोग आर्थ्राइटिस से पीड़ित हैं, जिसमे महिलाओं में यह प्रतिशत कहीँ ज्यादा है.  

RMDs are commonly classified into inflammatory and non-inflammatory types: 

Common non-inflammatory RMDs consist of degenerative spine diseases, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and fibromyalgia.

Common inflammatory RMDs consist of rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis, connective tissue diseases and polymyalgia rheumatica. ( source- 

The treatment of arthritis is very dependent on the precise type of arthritis present. An accurate diagnosis increases the chances for successful treatment.

Treatments available include

Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Home remedies, Splinting, Cold-pack application, paraffin wax dips, Anti-inflammatory Medications, pain medications, immune-altering medications, biologic medications, and surgical operations.

Engage in workouts ( image source- upi)

Following a healthy diet, regular work-out n exercises, 

yoga n meditation, 

following ergonomic principles in day to day chores will helps in improving the independence n functionality of people having arthritis...

Hence, keep yourself moving...

Stay Healthy, Stay Functional..!!

Dr. P Pathak

for Swavalamban Rehab


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